4 Ways RIA Compliance Software Can Save You Time

4 Ways RIA Compliance Software Can Save You Time

Everyone’s heard the cliché that time is money. But as a registered investment advisor, this is especially true for you. Your time equals money, both for you and your clients. The more time you can devote to providing the most beneficial, insightful, and valuable wealth management guidance you’re able, the happier your clients will be with your service. Similarly, the more time you spend reaching new clients, the more your business will grow.

If you let yourself and your team get bogged down in busy work and inefficient office practices, however, you will lose both time and money. Roger Kiger, the founder of Smartria, ran into the same problem when starting his firm. Using five different software programs, none of which addressed compliance, ate up five hours of every day. The need for greater convenience and functionality spurred him to develop the all-in-one RIA compliance software solution that we offer today.

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Here are just four of the many ways RIA compliance software can help you save time and be more successful.


Smartria is an all-in-one platform, meaning that every task your firm needs is combined into a single powerful solution. You can assign single or multiple roles, using 5 options that are based on SEC guidelines, to each person in your firm. That way, everyone sees what they need to without being distracted by things they don’t. Switching back and forth between different software programs may seem like a small inefficiency, but it can snowball quickly across your team. With Smartria, everything you need is there in one window.

Automatic Deficiency Alerts

With every critical source of data available in one program, there’s no need to have someone gather and compile data from each day’s or week’s work, then analyze it for deficiencies. Smartria compiles daily data points from every client and every employee, including CRM data, client and company documents, your team members’ trades, and custodial data feeds. It then identifies deficiencies and automatically alerts your CCO that something needs attention.

Task Management

Task management and a pre-populated, customizable compliance calendar are built into Smartria, keeping everyone on task and ensuring that SEC-required compliance is addressed first. This feature allows the CCO to track completion of compliance tasks, and your firm to stay current on pending milestones and important deadlines effortlessly.


When addressing those automatic deficiency alerts, Smartria compiles and stores all the documentation for you. Deficiencies happen, but what matters in an audit is how you address the deficiency and what steps you take to keep it from happening again. Properly implemented, Smartria can help you to be much better prepared when your company is audited.

When Roger Kiger implemented Smartria at his firm, he reduced the time he spent using software from five hours a day to one. Imagine what you could do with four extra hours every day, or 20 extra hours every work week. The best use of your industry knowledge and wealth management expertise is spent helping clients, not sifting through compliance issues.

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