Smart RIA
Testimonial Rule and Social Media Intersect in Recent Enforcement Actions

On July 10, 2018, the SEC settled enforcement actions brought against two SEC-Registered Investment Advisers (RIAs), three Investment Adviser Representatives (IARs), and a marketing consultant, for their involvement in violating the Testimonial Rule using social media and the Internet. Rule 206(4)-1(a)(1) under the Investment Advisers Act sets forth what types of advertisements are prohibited. The […]

SmartRIA compliance solutions software
Welcome to SmartRIA

Friends and colleagues: Thank you for taking a moment to visit us at SmartRIA, Automated Compliance Software. We are the first, and currently, the only, truly automated compliance software available on the market. For the compliance portion of our software alone, SmartRIA is a huge time, stress, and money saver for our users. We know, […]